The west coast of the Thermaic Gulf is a blessed place. One of Greece's most important wetlands. The protected area of the National Park Axios - Loudias - Aliakmonas, which also includes the mouth of the River Gallikos and Kalochori lagoon, the off Nea Agathoupoli and the Alyki Kitros. A mosaic of wetlands with rich vegetation that make a beautiful landscape with flooded rice fields, shallow lagoons and sandy islets.
The ecological value of the area is huge, so it is included in Europe's most important wetlands protected by the Ramsar Convention and it belongs to the European network of protected areas Natura 2000. Over 500 plantspecies, 278 species of birds and many wild animals live in this rich wetland.
Here lie the vast rice fields of the Macedonian land occupying large areas in the plains of the delta of four rivers. In the spring, flooded by the waters of the river, enjoy the euphoria as they prepare to welcome the seed. This area is the main rice production center in Greece, with agriculture, especially rice cultivation, to be the principal activity of the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements.
It produces 70% of the total amount of Greek rice with yields at very high levels that are continuously improved, with high-tech means of production and highly skilled growers. In the center of this area, there are the facilities of the company Begas Agro.
Cultures rich in nutrients are carried by the river basins decisively affecting the morphology of the flat area around their mouths. Minerals, precious for animal organisms, and especially humans, are absorbed from the soil due to the proximity of the rice fields and the sea, thus giving the seed a very distinctive flavor. The climate, perfect for the crops, is continental Mediterranean with average lower temperature 5oC in February and average maximum temperature of 25oC in July.
The northern (Vardaris) and northwest winds provide a unique clarity into the atmosphere by wiping it of the fog and pollution, while contributing to the reduction of air humidity. All these factors create a blessed place for growing rice generously offering us one of the most valuable foods, which not accidentally from antiquity is considered symbol of happiness, prosperity and fertility.
Within this place, BEGAS AGRO operates, successfully for more than 40 years, picking, packing and bringing to the table of Greek household, the precious products of theblessed area of Delta.