The rice is considered the most precious seed of the Greek land and one of the strongest crops in Greece to produce thousands of tons each year.
The rice, in all its forms and colors, the long grained, the risotto, Basmati or Jasmine, brown or wild is the food of the Greek family with many nutritional benefits.
Energy Source
The carbohydrates contained by the rice provide energy to the human body that needs every day and acts as fuel for the body, contributing to normal brain function. No wonder that it is an excellent food for athletes and those with intense physical and mental activity. 160 grams of boiled long grain rice provides the body 47 grams of carbohydrates and give energy with the right rhythm to the human body.
Rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals
The rice contains fibers that are important because they regulate digestion while the containing proteins represent an essential structural component of the body. Also the rice is rich in B vitamin complex and vitamin E (Vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folic acid), Vitamin E). It also contains iron that is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, potassium that regulates the functioning of the nervous system, the phosphorus helps in the energy production and magnesium is an essential constituent of bone and teeth.
Weight control
The rice has low calories and according to nutritionists, it is recommended as a good food for weight control and treatment of obesity.
Aportionof 62.5gr of rice yields 215 Kcal.
Protection & Prevention
The rice does not contain cholesterol, it is low in sodium, fat and trans fat helping to reduce the arterial blood pressure and it is considered an ideal food for people suffering from high blood pressure.
The brown rice that contains the cortical layers and germ, where beneficial nutrients can be found, ingredients such as phytonutrients antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, promoting thus the cardiovascular endurance by reducing the cholesterol levels in the body while containing high levels of neurotransmitter nutrients that can buffer the body towards Alzheimer's disease on a large scale.
Still, it helps to prevent particular diseases. The rice has a low glycemic index which means that this food is recommended by nutritionists to prevent certain diseases such as diabetes type 1 and 2 and cardiovascular diseases.
It is rich in resistant starch, which helps to the growth of beneficial bacteria for the normal bowel movement and helps treat dysentery. The rice hulls is considered as an effective drug in order to treat this disease. Finally, the Chinese believe that rice cures stomach ailments and indigestion problems.